Category Archives: General

Wow, such silence

Wow, two years since the last post? I guess I’m really not that much of a blogist then. In the two years since the last update, I have been up to the following: I bought a new bicycle in May 2012. I rode it lots and loved it lots. I bought another bicycle (a cyclocrosser, […]

Breaking the silence

Whoa, it’s been a longish time since the last update, hasn’t it. The past year has been reasonably quiet, not a lot has been going on. I’ve mostly been working at the post offices, slacking on my studies, planning for my impending wedding, and obviously, gaming. I did pick up running during the summer, and […]

Computer upgrade plan A

I am planning on upgrading my rig this spring, once manufacturers get fixed Intel P67 motherboards shipped and onto stores. The current tentative plan is roughly as follows: – ASRock P67 Extreme4 (~150€) – Intel Core i5 2500 (~220€) – 3x2GB Kingston 1333Mhz (~80€) – Coolermaster RS650-ACAAE3-EU 650W Power (~85€) – Fractal Design Define R3 […]

New York City 2011: the rest of it

I apologize for taking so long to write this final travelogue – returning and going straight off back to school ended up taking a lot of my attention. Stay tuned for the rest of the story! It won’t take long, I promise. So, we left off with Monday and onto Tuesday now – this day was […]

New York City 2011: Days two, three, and four

Saturday was a bit different, as I headed to Brooklyn with dad while girlfriend went off with the other ladies to tour fleamarkets and vintage shops. A cask ale festival was being held at dba Brooklyn in Williamsburg. We sampled local beers that were quite the treat – dad’s partner joined us for a snack […]

New York City 2011: travel day and day 1

On the morning of 6 January, at 5 am, girlfriend and I got on a taxi that drove us through light snow to the airport. a quick check-in and baggage drop later, we stepped on through security and got on our first plane – a KLM flight to Amsterdam. The HEL-AMS plane was an Embraer […]

Unimaginatively titled post-holiday season post

The holidays came and went, and good times were had. Christmas went by at my dad’s, with me having brought my 360, Rock Band 3, and a collection of plastic instruments along. Traditional Finnish christmasy foods were put on the plate along with less traditional ones. My sister, who is on a student exchange in […]

On prospective employers not sending rejection notices

I find it extremely annoying when companies I try to finangle out of their money in return for my translatorial, or whatever labour, services do not return my offer emails. The most recent ones both advertised on our Uni mailing list, saying they needed a translator for this or that. Naturally, I offered to prostitute […]

A Literature Meme

Have you read more than 6 of these books? The BBC believes most people will have read only 6 of the 100 books listed here.

Rebooting the blag and recent-ish happenings

In which the blogging resumes, and catching up is done.